Individuals in Politics & Government
Government Cannot «Do» Anything
Only individuals can «do».
Government is certainly the coercive institution par excellence in society, but its operation depends on specific individuals.
Classification for Political Choice
From our perspective of «
», we can divide individuals in society into three important groups:
There are three sub-groups of

All individuals in Group C are in depersonalised roles i.e. «in office» or «holding an office», so we have labeled them all «
»—capitalizing the word and using that term a bit more broadly than usual (i.e. to include politicians).Only
make choices for society; but the other exist in part to influence those choices. So, all are players in the political ball-park.Many
potentially affect government choices—but the responsibility and power to make choices is decisively and narrowly focused on relatively few .Only Officials are in Politics Full-time
So what about the rest of us? You can only exert influence through membership of a group that is powerful enough to force some response. Within that group, only its
have the time and obligation to be politically active. So, each individual usually operates indirectly:- by being a member of a group, organized ( ) &/or pro bono ( );
- by seeking backing and support from the in those groups.
Being an official takes a lot of time and aggravation, so most of us do not bother unless it is a career choice. See more about participation in the next section.
Individuals do not count in a modern society. The uniqueness of each person just cannot be recognized from its perspective. That is an aspect of the «tragedy of individuality». Even prominent respected personalities only exert an influence by virtue of their social role.
principles of the Individualist mode. That immediately suggests:
, being individuals, can be expected to operate with- checking the Public v Private dilemma, and
- looking at conflicts of interest that result from in public life.
Originally posted: July 2009; Last updated: 2 June 2014.